Tuesday, July 14, 2009

dedicated to all my friends!


salam to all. what do u think about the pic?the baby is so cute rite? it reminds me of my late baby(i have a very strong instinct that the baby way a boy) Allah lebih menyayanginya. apalah daya aku untuk menolak takdir tuhan. this is how the story begins: Mac 2009, aku begitu happy bila dapat tau aku mengandung. i was very happy on that moment. apa yg aku bygkan,qistina akan dapat adik( since she wants a friend to accompany her). stat dari hari tu,rd jaga aku baik sangat. apa yg aku n mkan semua dia belikan(tp kena cntrol takut gemuk sangat plak). aku jaga kandungan aku sebaik mungkin. aku gembirakan hati aku wpun kdg2 tension dengan kerja kt sek.kata org,pregnant lady kena selalu gembira,baik untuk little angel dalam perut. mengikut kiraan baby akan lahir Disember 2009.ada satu ketika,hati aku rasa tak sedap.aku rasakan ada perkara buruk akan berlaku pada baby dalam kandungan aku(but i just ignore the feeling) april 2009: aku laui hari2 mcm biasa. qistina dok tanya bila baby nak keluar n dia selalu tanya" mama,baby dalam perut mama,baby boy ke baby girl" aku senyum setiap kali dia tanya soalan tu. aku marah juga rd coz cepat sangat dia bagitau kat qis pasal adik dalam perut. " qis nak adik lelaki ke pompuan?" " nak adik nak pompuan" haha aku n rd akan terhbur setiap kali bincgkan pasal ahli baru yg bakal hadir dalam keluarga kami .routine harian aku bjalan mcm biasa.. ( to be continued)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am everything i need to be. sometimes, i am crazy but most of the time i am just me...

everybody needs friend.

dedicated to all my friends( too many to mention here. take care friends!)

yes,life is to enjoy every single moment of your life with your beloved one.

what if??

Friends tell you their secrets

Friends are meant to shareFriends are meant to cheer you up,
What happens when they’re not there?
Is it hard when you don’t haveSomeone to lean upon?

When you need a friend to care,but they, your friends, have gone?
What if you were splitUp from your best friend?

Do you think you’d careIf your friendship ends?
Would you slowly drift apart,Go in separate ways?

Or would you both grow closerGrow closer day by day?
What if your friends startedSaying things behind your back?

Would you stand and face them,Or would your courage lack?
Perhaps it would be saferTo let your friendships mend,

Push these thoughts behind you,And make the questions end.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


aku pernah dikenali sebgai seorang yg tidak yakin pada diri. aku takut untk luahkan pendapat aku tentang sesuatu. org disekeliling aku pernah anggap aku pasif,tak yakin mengutarakan pendapat dan tak banyak idea..semuanya sebab aku tak yakin org akan dengar pendapat aku. masa aku kt u, aku rasa sangat2 tidak yakin pada diri( my own fault)..sifat yakin diri amat rendah. gmbar puteri ni mengingatkan aku pada zaman remaja aku. but now,i am a new person. new ieyna.. seorang yang yakin pada diri,tahu apa yg aku inginkan dalam hidup. im happy with my life now. i have a great job,happy family and the most important thing is people accept me as who i am...

welcome to my world

salam to all. hi, im back. it such a long time i didnt update my blog . i dont have internet excess at home. poor me.huhu. only at school i can check my email n update my nlog. i just finished my class with my form four. only 12 students were in the classroom. budak asrama penuh camni la, program sana sini. hujan since last nite n everybody at school rasa malas2 je(ke aku sorang je ras a cmtu?hehe) kul 3ptg ni ada kelas ngan form 5 plak. no worries coz today we are going to contnue with oral assment test(no need to think on handouts bla bla bla. k got to go. tata

Monday, May 25, 2009


what will happen tomorrow? ill turn 29 toworrow!! hoorey!!!!finally, the time has come. i cant wait to celebrate the day with my hubby and my qistina safiah. how do i feel now? erm,mixture of feelings. happy coz im going to celebrate the special day with my family, sad because i cant eat cake( im still in the confinement period)AND excited too coz wondering what will be the present from my hubby...

Monday, March 2, 2009


alhamdulillah, aku dicalonkan untuk menerima ANUGERAH PERKHIDMATAN CEMERLANG 2008. The excellent achievement so far. alhamdulillah..

Monday, February 23, 2009

SALAM... HARINI hari sukan kat sek aku, SEK MEN SULTAN ABDUL HALIM. seronok tengok budak2 bersemangat dengan pakaian sukan masing2. bagi yang terlibat dengan marching, bersungguh2 diaorang siapkan diri dengan pakaian rumah sukan. harini diaorang bole decorate baju tu ikut tema yang diaorang suka. apa lagi, melaram habisla. rumah sukan aku rumah wira. warna tema dia, warna orange. tahun ni, budak2 wira prefer something yang simple but smart. apapun, im so pround with my students coz there are very creative.

one more thing. hari ni juga aku terima satu berita gembira dari pengetua. alhamdulillah, aku dan kakak baik aku, kak aini tercalon untuk menerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang bagi tahun 2008. According to him, we were selected because of our hard work during hari kecemerlangan sekolah berasrama penuh tahun 2008. he thinks that we deserve the crown. of course i feel so happy and proud with the anugerah cuma sebagai balasan, i need to work harder and harder after this. i need to prove to him and to everybody that i am good

Friday, February 6, 2009

Harini sek aku ada acara merentas desa. excited betul budak2 tu coz inilah peluang mereka "keluar" dari Jenan!!! aku ngan cikgu2 lain suka tengok diaorang bersemangat macam tu. cikgu2 pun harini bergaya dengan sports attire masing2. aku plak degil skit arini. pakai blouse ngan sandal . mujur pengetua tak ada. kalau tak, mau kena perli jugak..huhuhu. act, aku tak suka la pakai sports attire,mungkin tak kena ngan jiwa aku. aku ni ladylike sikit(kwn2 pn ckap camtu gak)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

since this is my first entry..nothing much that i can share with u. masih lagi trying to get familiar with the setting. hurm not that difficult. hoping to make this blog as a medium to express my creativity. also, hope to make more friends.

new beginning

salam.. testing2!!!!!